Laws and Regulations
Title Description Type Size Download

Federal Law No. 24 of 1999 - Protection and Development of the Environment (Arabic Version)



0.39 MB

Regulation on handling of hazardous materials, hazardous waste and medical waste (Arabic Version)



0.39 MB

Federal Law by Decree No 6 of 2009, Regarding the Peaceful uses of Nuclear Energy (Arabic version)

Federal Nuclear Law No. (6) 2009  regarding the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy


5.05 MB

Federal Law by Decree No 6 of 2009, Regarding the Peaceful uses of Nuclear Energy (English version)

Federal Nuclear Law No. (6) 2009 regarding the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy


3.08 MB

Federal Law No. 24 of 1999 - Protection and Development of the Environment (English Version)


0.26 MB

Regulation on handling of hazardous materials, hazardous waste and medical waste (English Version)


0.26 MB

Federal Decree Law No. (17) for the year 2019 regarding Weapons, Ammunitions, Explosives, Military Materials and Hazardous Substances  (Arabic Version)


0.63 MB

Federal Law No. (14), 2017 regarding handling of petroleum materials (Arabic Version)


1.43 MB

Ministerial Decree No. (714) of 2015 regarding the proper disposal of obsolete pesticides and empty pesticide containers (Arabic version)

Ministerial Decree No. (714) of 2015 regarding the proper disposal of obsolete pesticides and empty pesticide containers (Arabic version)


0.69 MB

Ministerial Decree No. (36) of 2018 regarding banned and restricted pesticides in the United Arab Emirates (Arabic version)

Ministerial Decree No. (36) of 2018 regarding banned and restricted pesticides in the United Arab Emirates (Arabic version)


5.04 MB

Cabinet Decree No. (27) of 2012 regarding handling of public health pesticides (Arabic version)

Cabinet Decree No. (27) of 2012 regarding handling of public health pesticides (Arabic version)


4.18 MB

Ministerial Decree No. (783) of 2015 regarding banned and restricted industrial chemicals in the United Arab Emirates (Arabic version)

Ministerial Decree No. (783) of 2015 regarding banned and restricted industrial chemicals in the United Arab Emirates (Arabic version)


1.52 MB

Ministerial Decree No. (27) of 2018 regarding the procedures for registration and import of pesticides (Arabic version)

Ministerial Decree No. (27) of 2018 regarding the procedures for registration and import of pesticides (Arabic version)


1.94 MB

Cabinet Decree No. (16) of 2019 regarding the system for advertising pesticides (Arabic version)

Cabinet Decree No. (16) of 2019 regarding the system for advertising pesticides (Arabic version)


2.11 MB

Cabinet Decree No. (33) of 2018 regarding handling of used oils (Arabic version)

Cabinet Decree No. (33) of 2018 regarding handling of used oils (Arabic version)


3.73 MB

Ministerial Decree No. (784) of 2015 regarding the executive by-law of Federal Law No. (39) of 1992 regarding production, import and handling of fertilizers and agriculture conditioners (Arabic version)

Ministerial Decree No. (784) of 2015 regarding the executive by-law of Federal Law No. (39) of 1992 regarding production, import and handling of fertilizers and agriculture conditioners (Arabic version)


7.64 MB

Ministerial Decree No. (33) of 2012 regarding handling of HCFCs (Arabic version)

Ministerial Decree No. (33) of 2012 regarding handling of HCFCs (Arabic version)


0.74 MB